Beginning Verb: An Analysis of Omitting Verb “Watching” in Comparison between Bima and English Language


  • Muhammad Taufik Al Hakim Yaumi



Beginning verb, Bima language, Omission verb


This study is inspired by the use of verb "watching" in English language in which it can be omitted and still preserve its meaning in the sentence. The aim of this research is to find out the differences in meaning of the verb "watching" when omitted in a sentence between Bima and English language. This paper is a descriptive qualitative analysis design. It utilizes empirical data and library sources to complete it. This paper also used qualitative method analysis because the data are in the form of words instead of numbers. To analyze the data, the writer used Dixon’s theory on Beginning verbs. In terms of Bima language, the process of omission verb is proven to be quite complicated. The one that makes it complicated is simply because the speaker is accustomed to say the verb and not familiar with the process of omission. Although it is limited in terms of its data, time, and sources, this paper could be well developed if others want to concern more on the Bima language in terms of its tradition or the culture. The culture of the language seems to be more complex and the native speaker is really having a hard time explaining it.

