Men and Women Registers: Cooperative Principles in The Great Gatsby Movie


  • Puspita Khairunisya
  • Kumara Tungga Dewa



Cooperative principle, men, register, women


This research aims to understand the way of men and women express their utterance as men and women register in The Great Gatsby Movie, to find out the difference of men and women register in The Great Gatsby Movie, to find out the reasons for a violation that the casts utter in The Great Gatsby movie. A qualitative method was used in this research. The data was collected using a note-taking technique by doing transcription of the conversation. The authors chose the data based on women and men register and violation of cooperative principles. The results of the research indicate three things. First, men and women have special ways to express their utterances. Second, men and women have differences in expressing their utterances. The differences can be fromtheir temper, intonation, and use of words. Third, men and women have various reasons to violate cooperative principles in a conversation.

