Regulation-Based Attitude Raport Assessment Instruments (Nizhâm) (Research in Tsanawiyah Madrasah Islamic Boarding School Uswatun Hasanah Purwakarta)
attitude (suluk), rules (Nizham), islamic boarding schoolAbstract
As a miniature of life, the boarding school has its own way of assessing the attitude of its students. The attitude report card is known as the sulûk report card at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Islamic Boarding School Uswatun Hasanah, is a diary (mutâba'ah yaumiyyah) of the students in carrying out activities at the Islamic boarding school. The life of santri in Islamic boarding schools is not only learning to explore religious sciences, but they are also taught about the true nature and meaning of life, which is bound by Islamic systems and rules of life (nizhâm al-Islam).Through these rules, students are taught about discipline, responsibility, independence, patience, obedience and trust in leaders and boarding schools. The rules in Islamic boarding schools are both syar'i and idâri (administrative), both of which are used as an objective benchmark for teachers to assess the suluk (attitude) of the students during one semester of learning at the Islamic boarding school. The theory used in this research is the concept of obedience based on awareness which is derived from the grand theory of the concept of Faith, Science and righteous deeds that give birth to piety (consciousness). Based on the results of the study, it was reported that the attachment of the students in carrying out the regulations at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Islamic Boarding School Uswatun Hasanah which was actualized into a daily activity schedule in the form of Ta'mir (worship activities at the mosque), security (discipline), language (lughah) and COT (cleanliness, orderliness and tidiness), gave birth to four categories of assessment, namely: Mushlih (nonesuch) (A), Shâlih (virtuous) (B), Mu'tarif (aware) (C) and Ghâfil (negligent) (D). Based on the research, the attitude scores (suluk) of 40 students at Mts Uswatun Hasanah showed that: 9.4% Mushlih (nonesuch) (A), 87.6% Shalih (virtuous) (B), 2.9% Mu' tariff (aware) (C) and 0.0% Ghâfil (negligent) (D). The data from the results of this study state that the attitude report cards (suluk) of the students of Madtrasah Tsanawiyah (Mts) Islamic Islamic Boarding School Uswatun Hasanah who are noble are good and obey the rules of the cottage. This research proves that a good system and environment will give birth to good people (Shalih).