The Teaching of the Arabic Qur'ani and Strengthening Literacy Tafsir in Islamic Boarding School


  • Eman Sulaeman
  • Yoyoh Badriyyah



language, arabic, literacy, tafsir, qur'an


This study departs from the model of the learning of the Arabic language, applied in pesantren Jabal Nur, is oriented on understanding the tafsir Al-qur'an (Arabic qur'ani). The focus of this research is to assess the implementation of Arabic Quranic language learning and its effectiveness in increasing literacy interpretation among the students (santri) in pesantren Jabal Nur Bandung. The purpose of this study is to analyze the model of Arabic Quranic language learning and its effectiveness in increasing literacy interpretations for students in boarding schools. This research is using descriptive analysis method to learning Arabic qur'ani located in pesantren Jabal Nur, Dago - Bandung. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation and test. As for the sources of the information are leader of boarding school, Arabic teacher and students. The results of the research obtained: first, the concept of learning Arabic qur'ani is a model of learning curriculum (objectives, materials, methods and evaluation) specifically for the needs of literacy tafsir Al-qur'an; the second, a model of learning in design in addition to the tutorial material Arabic qur'ani also practice is on the translation and tafsir of the Qur'an; the third, the model of Arabic Quranic language learning is more effective to improve the literacy of students in understanding the tafsir Al-qur'an compared to the learning of the Arabic language-based yellow book.


