Blended Learning Model as A Digital Literature Strengthening Effort in Facing the Society 5.0 Era


  • Yuriska Dewi Suwarno Putri
  • Sekar Harum Pratiwi



blended-learning, literacy, digital, era-society 5.0


The learning process that is often encountered in the classroom usually uses face-to-face learning which makes some students feel bored to follow it. So that students are less interested in the learning process and choose not to go to school. In the learning process blended learning by utilizing technology is commonly called electronic learning or e-learning. Students will follow the learning process with a new flow that is able to attract students' interest. In this case, digital literacy is the right means for implementing a blended learning model that refers to technology. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach which intends to obtain and collect and process and even analyze and define qualitative data. the blended learning model as a strengthening of digital literacy can be one of the learning solutions in the era of society 5.0. With the blended learning model, learning activities will take place more interestingly, creatively, communicatively, efficiently, and open up a wide discussion space so that they are able to grow, develop, and empower the life skills of each student to the maximum so that they can lead students to become future learners (gold generation) and achieve success in life.

