E-Dawah Communication in the Disruptive Era Through Online-Based Islamic Media Literature Standards


  • Rifqi Fauzi
  • Mia Nurislamiah
  • Ipad Padlan Al'Munawar




e-da'wah, the era of disruptive, literacy standards, media islam digital


The existence of information and communication technology such as the internet in the disruptive era opens up new opportunities for the development and process of spreading da'wah messages. The Internet is seen as a virtual space that is able to spread the message of da'wah effectively, easily accessible, wide area coverage and unlimited time. This gave rise to the e-da'wah, which is activity of amar ma'ruf nahi munkar by using internet media. The purpose of this study is to offer a strengthening of communication e-da'wah in the era of disruptive through standard media literacy-based Islamic digital. This study uses a qualitative approach through the analysis of the literature obtained both from books, journals and other relevant sources. The results of this study show that the strengthening of communication e-da'wah in the era of disruptive can be implemented through standard 7 media literacy islam include 1) the principle of the production of online news, 2) the ethical distribution of news, 3) guarantee the accuracy and commitment antihoaks, 4) the spirit of amar makruf nahi munkar, 5) the principles of wisdom in da'wah, 6) principles in the interaction of the digital and, 7) the principle of freedom of the press.

