Analysis of The Reading Interests of Students STAI Dr. Khez Muttaqien


  • Dyah Wulandari



interests, reading, students


Reading is one of the most effective learning activities to gain knowledge. Students as part of the higher education community have an obligation to improve reading, writing and discussion habits as an intellectual culture. The acceleration of scientific and technological progress is in line with the speed of unlimited access to information so that critical thinking skills are needed to be able to choose and sort out the correct information. Unfortunately, rapid technological advances are not in line with the increasing interest in reading. This study uses quantitative methods with data collection techniques through questionnaires, unstructured interviews, and non-participant observation. The data analysis used is descriptive statistics. The research subjects were STAI DR KHEZ Muttaqien’s students. The results showed that the average reading interest at STAI Muttaqien was in the medium category. Furthermore, students prefer reading more than one type of reading with a percentage of 31.19%. The number of books owned by students is more in the number 0-20 books with a percentage of 58.25% and the duration of students reading more is 0-30 minutes every day with a percentage of 30.27%. The motivational factors that encourage interest in reading STAI Muttaqien students are curiosity, the desire to add insight and the feeling of needing knowledge. As for the things that become obstacles in reading are limited books, tired due to the busy activities, easy to feel bored and expensive book prices.

