
  • International Conference on Economics, Social, Management and Business (ICOESMB) 2024
    Vol. 3 No. 3 (2024)

    The Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business (FEBI) at Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendari is proud to host the International Conference on Economics, Social, Management, and Business  (ICOESMB) 2024 on September 19, 2024. Themed "Business Sustainability in the Digital Era in the Context of Sharia," this prestigious international event will feature prominent speakers from various countries, including Salma Tarek Eid, LLM (Egypt), Fareed Ahmad Obaidy, DBA, BBA, MM (Afghanistan), Abdullah Abdulroof Taha Al Maqtari, MM (Yemen), and Prof. Dr. Muhammad Hakimi Mohd Shafiai (Malaysia).

    As one of the leading academic institutions dedicated to contributing to global knowledge and economic development, FEBI Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendari hopes this conference will serve as a platform for academic discussions that bring together innovative ideas from diverse international perspectives. The focus on sustainable business practices within the framework of Sharia is especially relevant as the world grapples with economic challenges in the digital age.

    Dr. Marjani, M.Si., the chairman of the organizing committee, emphasized the importance of this event as a tangible step by FEBI to address global economic challenges. "We believe that through this international seminar, we will generate global ideas that can serve as key building blocks for shaping a more just and prosperous global economy," Marjani stated.

    With speakers representing a range of countries, the conference will explore critical issues across economics, social sciences, management, and business from both local and global perspectives. These discussions are expected to yield insightful exchanges and foster international collaborations that will contribute to the development of a more sustainable and equitable global economy.

    The event aims not only to enhance participants' academic knowledge but also to create opportunities for cross-border cooperation in addressing today's pressing global economic challenges. By bringing together experts from diverse backgrounds, the conference will enable in-depth discussions on strategic issues, potentially leading to solutions and innovations that can be applied to various sectors of the global economy.

    Participants, including academics, professionals, and students, are encouraged to take full advantage of this opportunity to expand their international networks and deepen their understanding of current global economic issues. The conference will provide a unique forum for learning from global experts and exchanging knowledge on the intersection of Sharia principles and modern business practices in the digital era.

    For more information on registration and the conference schedule, please visit the official website of Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendari or contact the organizing committee directly.

    Join us in this global movement towards a more just, sustainable, and prosperous world economy.

    FEBI Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendari

  • International Conference on Education, Culture, Literacy, Numeracy and Humanities (INCECINS)
    Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024)

    The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) at Muria Kudus University (UMK) held an international seminar on education policy in the ASEAN region amidst the increasing global development of society 5.0.
    This online event brought together academics, education practitioners, and researchers from various countries in the ASEAN region to discuss and share views on changes and challenges in education policy in this increasingly connected era.
    This seminar is the first step to understanding how education in ASEAN can develop sustainably amidst globalization and the industrial revolution 4.0 that is sweeping the region. The International Conference on Education, Culture, Literacy, Numeracy, and Humanities (INCECINS) raised the theme "Looking at Education Policy in ASEAN in the Era of Society 5.0".
    Some of the topics that were the focus of discussion included the integration of technology in the education curriculum, the development of 21st-century skills, as well as strategies to increase access to education for all levels of society in ASEAN.
    In the keynote session, Prof. Dr. Ir. Darsono, M. Si from UMK gave his views on three points of Education Policy with the dynamic needs of 21st-century students. They were utilizing technology for inclusive education. Encourage lifelong learning and skills development and promote cultural diversity and global citizenship.
    This seminar ended with an agreement to continue collaborating and sharing knowledge to improve the quality of education in ASEAN, making this seminar a starting point for joint efforts in facing educational challenges in the era of society 5.0.

    Papers at this conference were published in two language versions, Indonesian and English.

  • The 6th ASEAN Conference on Psychology, Counseling, and Humanities (AC-PCH 2024)
    Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024)

    The ASEAN Conference on Psychology, Counseling, and Humanities (AC-PCH) is the ASEAN conference organized by the Faculty of Psychology, University of Muhammadiyah Malang together with the Institute of Human Resources Training and International Cooperation, Vietnam, and the School of Social Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia. The theme of our 6th AC-PCH 2024 is “Harmonizing Perspective: Bridging Cultures, Fostering Human Welfare”.

    Mental health issues are individual problems. However, the implementation of mental health in individuals is influenced by various external factors, such as family, social relations, and cultural values. Therefore, individuals need to live in a conducive environment as a step to achieve psychological well-being and social welfare. The ASEAN Conference on Psychology, Counseling, and Humanities (AC- PCH) is the ASEAN conference organized by the Faculty of Psychology, University of Muhammadiyah Malang together with the Institute of Human ResourcesTraining and International Cooperation, Vietnam and School of Social Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia. The theme of our 6th AC-PCH 2024 is “Harmonizing Perspective: Bridging Cultures, Fostering human welfare”.The conference aims are a means for researchers, academia, professionals, and stakeholders to share information that can be used as input to solve the issues related to psychology, counseling, and humanities. It also works as a means for researchers to publish their findings and opens great opportunities to build collaborative networks between national and ASEAN scientists. The program greatly in scientific insight by presenting speakers from three countries, namely: 1. Dr. Ma Thanh Thanh Hoang @Basiron Abdullah, Institute Human Resources Training and Internasional Cooperation, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. 2. Yuni Nurhamida, S. Psi., M.Si, Faculty of Psychology, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia. 3. Dr. Suzanna Binti Awang Bono, School of Social Sciences, Universiti Sains, Malaysia. The theme proposed in this activity is “Harmonizing Perspective: Bridging Cultures, Fostering Human Welfare”.The focus and Scope of the International Seminar study are Cyber Psychology; Environmental Psychology;  Community Engagement and Empowerment;  Social Psychology;  Cross-Culture and Indigenous Psychology;  Education Psychology;  Developmental Psychology;  Mental Health;  Other Humanities and Psychological Topics.

  • Seminar Internasional Berbahasa Indonesia ‘Digitalisasi Merdeka Belajar’ 2023
    Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023)

    Universitas Muhamadiyah Palangka Raya (UMPR) mengadakan seminar internasional berbahasa Indonesia secara luring dan daring. Seminar ini mengusung tema ‘Digitalisasi Merdeka Belajar’, yang memiliki peran digitalisasi dalam mengembangkan merdeka belajar.
    Rektor UMPR Muhammad Yusuf mengatakan, seminar ini bertujuan untuk mendorong para penyelenggara pengelola pendidikan di Kalteng, dan itu untuk kemudian memiliki referensi harga yang menuju standar Internasional. Karena era globalisasi tidak bisa lagi dihindari hingga persaingan itu bukan hanya di lokal tapi Internasional. Melalui perkembangan – kembangan itu menjadi pemicu semangat dengan seminar ini yang memiliki peran agar kita lebih berusaha aktif. Oleh karena itu, tidak ada lagi dalam masyarakat yang mempermasalahkan dana pendidikan. Karena setiap daerah bahkan rumah ingin memiliki sarjana.
    Peran UMPR memberi akses dan siap untuk memfasilitasi, serta akan berkomunikasi dengan pemerintah daerah, donatur, dan berbagai pihak untuk mengatasi kendala masyarakat tersebut yang ingin sarjana. Sehingga nanti dengan adanya fungsi manfaat kita bisa berkontribusi untuk meningkatkan model pembelajaran kualitas pembelajaran, dan mahasiswa UMPR mendapatkan juga pengalaman-pengalaman dalam menghadapi realitas sosial. Pada seminar tersebut menghadirkan narasumber diantaranya, Prof. Dr. Mohamad Zain Musa (Kamboja), Dr. Abdullah M. Al-Ansi, MBA. (Yaman), Dr. Robert John Pope (Australia), Prof. Akhsanul In’am, Ph.D. (Indonesia) dan Prof. Dr. Harun Joko Prayitno, M.Hum. (Indonesia).

    Seminar internasional ini juga bentuk kehadiran FKIP UMPR untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia di Kalimantan Tengah melalui berbagai program dan implementasi Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Di antara topik pada "call for papers" atau publikasi hasil penelitian itu adalah pembelajaran dan teknologi informasi, evaluasi pembelajaran berbasis digital dan pengembangan dan inovasi teknologi sekolah inklusi. Kemudian literasi digital dalam pembelajaran, pengembangan desain instruksional, manajemen dan administrasi pendidikan dan topik mengenai pendidikan sosial, humaniora dan kearifan lokal di era digital.

    Sekaligus UMPR melakukan MoU dengan Pascasrjana Universitas Malang, serta Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) MoU Association of Moslem Comunity In ASEAN (AMCA).

  • The 1st International Comparative Early Childhood Education Policy (ICECEP 2023)
    Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023)

    The 1st International Comparative Early Childhood Education Policy (ICECEP 2023)

    The challenges of the Global Society have been rolling in the era of society 5.0 as it is now. All countries in various regions compete to improve the quality of life in various aspects, be it the economy, human resources, and education. Competitive human resources are the basic capital to survive and develop in this era. This is a big challenge for the world of education, especially the world of early childhood education, to prepare quality human resources who are able to compete and excel. The quality expected is not only related to intellectuals, but also related to individual characters such as optimism for the future, hard work, and never give up. Based on these conditions, the profession of educators and observers of the world of children is expected to be able to have the specific competencies needed by early childhood.

    In addition, the intense competition between professions makes competence and expertise an absolute thing to have, to meet the demands of professional competence and educators who understand early childhood psychology. The International Comparative Early Childhood Education Policy (ICECEP) is a vehicle for scientific work that accommodates the scientific work of all teachers, lecturers, educators and observers of early childhood to be published and disseminated at the international level, so in its implementation an in-depth study is first carried out on research results studied. All submitted articles must be based on research results, thoughts or other works that are worthy of publication to improve the scientific quality of lecturers or researchers, both individually and in groups. The International Comparative Early Childhood Education Policy (ICECEP) is organized based on a scientific code of ethics and scientific work and articles that are entered are screened according to publication ethics in accordance with law number 12 of 2012 concerning higher education. Thus, the implementation of International Comparative is expected to be carried out effectively, efficiently and on target and can contribute to meeting the needs of scientific work in tertiary institutions.

  • 1st PPsUMT International Conference on Social Sciences, Education, and Humanities (PICSSEH) 2022
    Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023)

    Over time, the technology created by humans is growing. One of them is Society 5.0 which was initiated by the Japanese state. This concept allows us to use modern science-based (AI, Robot, IoT) for human needs with the aim that humans can live comfortably. Society 5.0 itself was just inaugurated 2 years ago, on January 21 2019 and was made as a resolution on industrial 4.0 resolution.
    The concept of Industrial revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0 actually does not have much difference, but the concept of Society is more focused on the human context. If the industrial revolution uses AI and artificial intelligence as its main components, while Society 5.0 uses modern technology, it only relies on humans as its main components.
    The concept of Society 5.0 is a refinement of the previous concepts. Where as we know, Society 1.0 was when humans were still in the era of hunting and knowing writing, Society 2.0 was the era of agriculture where humans were familiar with farming, Society 3.0: had entered the industrial era, namely when humans started using machines to help with daily activities -day, Society 4.0: humans are familiar with computers to the internet and Society 5.0 the era where all technology is part of humans themselves, the internet is not only used to share information but to live life.
    Based on these conditions, educators and counselors and others are expected to be able to have the specific competencies needed. In addition, intense competition between professions makes competency and expertise an absolute must-have to face the era of Society 5.0 and global challenges. This is in line with the vision of the University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang (UMT), namely "Becoming a World-Class Islamic University Based on Green Industry" and the vision of the UMT Postgraduate Program, namely "The Realization of an Excellent Postgraduate Program in the Development of National Level Science, Technology and Arts (IPTEKS) in 2035", then the First PPsUMT International Conference on Social Sciences, Education, and Humanities (PICSSEH) 2022 was held with the theme "Contributions of Social Sciences, Education, and Humanities in Society 5.0".

  • 1st International Conference of Bunga Bangsa Cirebon (ICOBBA) 2021
    Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022)

    1st  International Conference of Bunga Bangsa Cirebon (ICOBBA) 2021

    International Seminar IAIBBC is one of the means of scientific work that accommodates the scientific work of all lecturers to be published and published at the international level, then in its implementation published on the results of research taught.

    All submitted articles must be based on research results, thoughts or other works that are worthy of publication to improve the quality of science or research lecturers, both individually and in groups.

    The International Conference of Bunga Bangsa Cirebon (ICOBBA) was held based on the code of ethics of expertise and scientific work and articles that entered the disharing in accordance with the ethics of publication in accordance with Law No. 12 of 2012 on higher education. Thus, the implementation of international seminars is expected to be carried out effectively, efficiently and on target and can contribute to meeting the needs of scientific work in universities. In this activity is also expected to produce quality research and can be published in local journals, national journals, accredited journals and current international journals.

    The 1st International Conference of Bunga Bangsa Cirebon (ICOBBA) in 2021 was held virtually through the zoom meeting held on December 8, 2021. This Program contributes greatly in scientific insight by presenting speakersfrom five countries, namely:

    1. Prof. Dr. Mohd Zain Musa as president of Yasma Foundation Cambodia
    2. Dr. nek Mah Batre as president of a Singapore nekmah Education Centre
    3. Dr. Sonny Zulhuda as dean of the International Islamic University of Malaysia
    4. Dr. Abdul Haviz Hiley as President Association of Muhammadiyah Thailand
    5. Dr. Dian Widiantari, M.Ag as head of Department S2 Islamic Education Management Graduate Program IAI Bunga Bangsa Cirebon Indonesia.

    The theme proposed in this activity is "society Society 5.0". The focus and Scope of International Seminar study is:

    1. Islam, Education theory and management
    2. Early childhood education and primary and Secondary Education
    3. Psychology and counseling guidance
    4. Economics, innovation and Digital Business
    5. Minimum bachelor degree from reputable university
    6. Information Technology and E-Learning
    7. Social and communication
    8. Digital age innovation Da’wa
    9. Government and Legal Sciences
  • 6th Annual Seminar on English Language Studies (ASELS) 2021
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)

    6th Annual Seminar on English Language Studies (ASELS) 2021

    The Sixth Annual Seminar on English Language Studies (ASELS) is organized as a two-day conference agenda themed “Flourishing the Opportunities of Transformative English Language Studies amid The Challenges of New Normal Era”. Fully driven by the students of English Language Studies Postgraduate Program of Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, the program brings a new horizon by presenting eight remarkable keynote speakers with their respective expertise, including:

    DAY 1:

    1. Willy Ardian Renandya, an expert in English Language education from the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
    2. Burhanuddin Arafah, an expert in English Literature studies from Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia.
    3. Valentino Pamolango, Ph(Dr.), a researcher of endangered local languages from Tilburg University, the Nether-lands.
    4. Crayton Walker, an expert in corpus linguistics and grammar studies from University of Birmingham, the United Kingdom.

    DAY 2:

    1. Gumawang Jati, an expert in language learning technologies from Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.
    2. Rochayah Machali, an expert in translation studies who previously taught in the University of New SouthWales, Sydney as well as an official member of Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia (HPI).
    3. Abdul Hakim Yassi, an expert in applied linguistics from Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia.
    4. Emma Robberts, an officer of Australian Consulate-General, Makassar who presents the highlights on the Indonesia-Australia potential partnerships.

    ASELS21 is directed to present as a manifestation of quality education and contribution to THE society. Up holding the principles of sustainability, services, solidarity (3S), this year’s organization emphasizes the continuation of the academic development agenda through cross-border collaborations, thus can provide the participants with broader insights and inspirations. The two-day conference has specially collaborated with the Association of Muslim Community in ASEAN (AMCA) for the article publications in the forms of international journals and proceedings with Crossref indexing. Additionally, the committee has initiated to manage the organization of the conference by partnering with external students from Universitas Veteran Bangun Nusantara and Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia as liaison officers. With a whole commitment and a whole dedication, the event is targeted to promote sound and fair collaborative efforts to implement the values of humanity through education.